Materials and surfaces for the world of tomorrow.

We are exploring new material and layer concepts within the framework of publicly funded projects with partners from science and industry for the major focus areas of energy technology (hydrogen technology and battery technology), digitalised process technology, intelligent surfaces and raw material and resource efficiency, among others.
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Innovative materials and production methods

If you are looking for new materials, coatings or processes, fem is the right R&D partner for you. We develop intelligent, customised solutions on your behalf - competently, exclusively and confidentially. All research results belong to you, of course, without any ifs or buts.
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Test, analyse and characterise.

Be it the development of new products, questions of quality assurance or damage to components: numerous test methods are available at fem for the investigation of material and layer properties. These include tensile and compression tests, tribological tests, hardness measurements, corrosion and weathering tests, chemical analyses, 3D X-ray computer tomography, scanning electron microscopy and much more.
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Accredited testing laboratory according to DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018

Precision and reliability are of utmost importance in the micro- and nanometre range. That is why around 200 test and inspection procedures are accredited at fem in accordance with DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018. The independent confirmation of our competences is regularly carried out by the Deutsche Akkreditierungsstelle GmbH (DAkkS-D-PL-14368-01-00) and has existed since 1996.
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Damage Analysis

Detect, understand and repair damage.

For the analysis of complex damage cases, our interdisciplinary and experienced team of experts has extensive testing procedures at its disposal. Damaged components are analysed quickly and reliably. And remedial action is provided by customised solutions that we develop for you on your behalf.
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Modellregion H2-Wandel

Grüner Wasserstoff für die Energieversorgung von Morgen.

Im Leuchtturmprojekt H2-Aspen wird das fem hochinnovative Werkstoffe und Schichtsysteme für Brennstoffzellen und Elektrolyse entwickeln. Zudem berät es KMU und der Industrie bei allen materialwissenschaftlichen Fragestellungen im Kontext der Wasserstofftechnologie.
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Our departments: Diversity is our strength.

Die Vielfalt unserer sieben Abteilungen und ihren Methoden ermöglicht interdisziplinäre Forschung in der Materialwissenschaft und die Betrachtung des gesamten Beschichtungsprozesses.
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Independent and public-benefit: The association for the fem.

The fem is an independent institute founded 100 years ago by industry, the state of Württemberg and the city of Schwäbisch Gmünd. Become a member!
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