research, develop, measure.
Since 1922.

Since 1922, the fem has been one of the leading independent institutes for the research, development and analysis of metallic materials and coatings. The aim of our work in the fields of materials science and surface technology is to provide forward-looking solutions for SMEs and industry.

Prof. Dr. Holger Kaßner

Since 1 January 2023, Prof. Dr. Holger Kaßner is the director of the fem. After studying in Munich and Bochum and a research stay in Cambridge, he received his doctorate in 2009 at the Research Centre Jülich with a thesis in the field of coating technology. Afterwards, Kaßner worked in industry; first at Lufthansa Technik AG, where he was responsible for the development of manufacturing processes and coatings for turbine engines, then as head of the technology department at the plant manufacturer Krones AG. In 2017, he made the switch to academia: he was appointed full professor at the TH Aschaffenburg.
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Researchers, inventors, makers and creators: Top research needs top employees.

The fem currently has around 90 employees, including scientists and engineers, technicians and laboratory assistants as well as administrative and general service staff. In addition, there are interns, diploma students, bachelor's and master's candidates and doctoral students from all over the world. Currently, 50% of the fem staff are women, because we place particular emphasis on the compatibility of work and family.
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Beate Bäuerle


Beate Bäuerle
Sarah Kluske


Sarah Kluske
Anastasia Bayer


Anastasia Bayer
Patrick Wais


Patrick Wais


Elke Weidlich, Conny Jäckle, Sigrid Winter

The association for the fem:
Independent and close to business

The fem is sponsored by the Association for the Research Institute for Precious Metals and Metal Chemistry e.V. According to its statutes, the institute's task is "to conduct scientific research, especially in the fields of precious metals and other metals as well as metal chemistry, and to make the results of this research available to industry". The fem benefits from the commitment and professional competence of its association members from industry and science. Become a member too!
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Reliable networks and strong partners

Strong partners and a reliable network are among the most important prerequisites for scientific success and forward-looking innovations. The fem is involved in numerous associations and, through its participation in national and international bodies and expert committees, actively participates in scientific discourse, in shaping the transfer of knowledge from research to industry or even in the drafting of new standards.
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Future since 1922

In October 1922, the "Research Institute and Assay Office for Precious Metals" began its work. At a time when the precious metal industry in Schwäbisch Gmünd was struggling with immense material and financial burdens and was in urgent need of support from science. Even then, the institute was distinguished by its independence and application-oriented research for business and industry. This has not changed to this day.
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