“The times call for a fundamental rethink!” - major interview with Prof. Dr. Holger Kaßner in the INitiativ. Magazine

The big interview for the fall/winter issue of INitiativ. Magazin is all about the future of industry-related research, the development of agile networks for start-ups and innovative companies and the current research priorities at the fem Forschungsinstitut. In conversation with the editor Ralph F. Wild, the fem institute director reports on the current challenges and upheavals in the German research landscape and on INCBEAT, fem's new technology ecosystem. fem's current R&D activities in the fields of CO₂ conversion and functionalized surfaces are presented in detail.

Curious? You can read the six-page report on the fem here: www.initiativ.live

And you can find all information about the INCBEAT platform here: https://incbeat.de/

Patrick Wais

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Patrick Wais
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