👨‍🔬 Ein Jahr voller Erfahrungen und Chancen: Adrians Start ins Freiwillige Jahr am fem Forschungsinstitut! 👨‍🔬

Dürfen wir vorstellen? Adrian, unser erster Freiwilliger in Wissenschaft, Technik und Nachhaltigkeit, hat im Juni 2024 sein Abitur am Camerloher-Gymnasium in Freising abgeschlossen. Jetzt startet er bei uns am fem Forschungsinstitut durch – mit Neugier, Tatendrang und einer großen Begeisterung für Nachhaltigkeit und Forschung. 🔬

Why did Adrian decide to do a voluntary year in science, technology and sustainability?
👉 „Ich möchte praktische Erfahrungen im naturwissenschaftlichen Bereich sammeln und herausfinden, welches Studium am besten zu mir passt.“ Besonders beeindruckt ihn am fem, dass unsere Forschungsprojekte Nachhaltigkeit und industrienahe Lösungen miteinander verbinden – und dass die Bandbreite an Themen so vielfältig ist.

An exciting start to FJN:
Adrian had the opportunity to rotate through various departments in the first few weeks of his year. New colleagues, new devices and exciting tasks every week - a perfect basis for getting to know the diversity of our work.

He is now particularly looking forward to delving deeper into the electrochemistry department and working on a current research project. He would also like to learn more about plasma-assisted surface coating. Of course, we're the right place for him!

His expectations?
“I want to learn as many new things as possible, do practical work and end up with a clearer picture of how my career path could continue.”

We are excited about Adrian's development in the coming months and look forward to accompanying him on this exciting journey!

We are excited about Adrian's development in the coming months and look forward to accompanying him on this exciting journey!

adrian gromann

Patrick Wais

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Patrick Wais
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