Innovative Composite Material for Investment Casting of Titanium Alloys

Research partner

IKFVW Institut für Keramik, Feuerfest und Verbundwerkstoffe, TU Bergakademie Freiberg

Industry partner

C. Kessel GmbH / Hagenburger Feuerfeste Produkte GmbH / Imerys Fused Minerals Laufenburg GmbH / Indutherm Gießtechnologie GmbH / Le Marchant / Nonnenmacher GmbH & Co. KG / NRU GmbH / Otec Präzisionsfinishing GmbH / Porzellanfabrik Hermsdorf GmbH / Refratechnik Steel GmbH / Titanfactory GmbH / Forschungsvereinigung Feuerfest e.V.

Research partner

IKFVW Institut für Keramik, Feuerfest und Verbundwerkstoffe, TU Bergakademie Freiberg

Industry partner

C. Kessel GmbH / Hagenburger Feuerfeste Produkte GmbH / Imerys Fused Minerals Laufenburg GmbH / Indutherm Gießtechnologie GmbH / Le Marchant / Nonnenmacher GmbH & Co. KG / NRU GmbH / Otec Präzisionsfinishing GmbH / Porzellanfabrik Hermsdorf GmbH / Refratechnik Steel GmbH / Titanfactory GmbH / Forschungsvereinigung Feuerfest e.V.

The production of complex technical components from titanium alloys using the investment casting process is of great interest for aeronautical engineering, space technology, medical technology and the luxury goods industry. The ceramic material calcium zirconate (CaZrO₃) enables the extremely demanding investment casting of titanium, but exhibits weaknesses in thermal cycling. Crucibles made of CaZrO₃ show cracks after only one casting due to thermal shock and can only be reused to a limited extent afterwards.

The fem has succeeded in creating an innovative composite material that solves this problem by adding electrospun CaZrO₃ nanofibres. In the research project, it was demonstrated that thanks to the modified microstructure, the material has a significantly higher stability against thermal loads and consequently a high residual strength after casting. As a result, CaZrO₃-based composite crucibles are finally suitable for repeated use in investment casting. This development enables investment foundries to process highly reactive alloys in high quality significantly more efficiently and economically.

Have we aroused your interest? Our expert Florian Bulling is looking forward to hearing from you!

Acknowledgements: The IGF project 21706 BG of the Research Association for the Research Institute for Precious Metals and Metal Chemistry (fem) was funded by the Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Action through the AIF within the framework of the Programme for the Promotion of Industrial Cooperative Research (IGF) based on a resolution of the German Bundestag.

Contact Person

Florian Bulling

Project Sponsor

IGF Industrial Collective Research

Project Duration

1.3.2021 – 28.2.2023


Project Report (Pdf, in german)
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